The surgery around dental implants – a simple guide


The majority of people who are about to undertake any kind of surgery want to know as much about it as possible beforehand so they can prepare. And this is no different in the world of cosmetic dental care, where, thanks to the growth in popularity of oral implants, more people than ever before are having surgery to have these restorative and cosmetic options fitted.

But as the fitting of oral imports is relatively new, few people are actually aware of what occurs during the surgical and preparation side of this procedure, which can put them off the idea.

At Spa Dental Ryde, we are always happy to meet with patients to discuss having dental implants Ryde fitted. We will oversee the preparation, the surgery and of course, the aftercare, to ensure that any implants that you have fitted by our team will last as long as possible while also looking as natural as your real teeth.

So, back to the case in point, what is involved in the surgery itself revolving around oral implants? And what is involved in the preparation to have dental implants Ryde fitted?

X-rays and checks

Firstly, if you want to have dental implants Ryde fitted you’ll need to visit our team to attend a consultation. During this, we will assess the condition of your teeth and gums to ensure that there are no signs of active gum disease or tooth decay. We will then need to take X-rays of your mouth to ensure that you have an adequate amount of stable jawbone which can hold the implants in place once they are fitted.

Choosing the implant

Based on the density of your jaw, our team will then decide on the most suitable type of oral implant for you. In most dental surgeries three types are used; the endosteal, which is the most common, the subperiosteal and the zygomatic. The latter two are ideal for people who do not have the density of jaw required to have an endosteal implant fitted.

The fitting

Now, on to the fitting! Our team will numb the area and make some small incisions into the gum line. Exposing the bone, we will then drill a small hole and fit the implant directly into the bone and then close the gum around it with stitches. The entire procedure will take between one to two hours per implant and if you are having multiple ones fitted, we may decide to spread the treatment out over several appointments.


Post-operative care is based on preventing infection and keeping the site clean. In order to do this, you will need to rinse the area with lukewarm salt water to keep debris away from the implant. Once our team gives you the green light to begin cleaning the area with a toothbrush, you can then begin to do so, but ensure you do not put too much pressure on the area as this can cause more soreness to occur and can even cause the implant to move.


The prosthetics which should be attached to a normal implant will usually be either a single tooth or a set of teeth such as a bridge or denture. Our team will have worked to ensure that these prosthetics blend in with surrounding natural teeth and fitting is as simple as screwing the prosthetics onto the exposed part of the implant.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.