Signs that there may be an issue with your dental implants

When you are given the green light to have oral implants fitted, you may be amazed at how straightforward the process is, how well they can grip food and how realistic the tooth or teeth that are attached to them look.
But, as implant fitting requires surgery, there is always going to be a slight risk of something going wrong. And as a patient who is undergoing implant surgery, it is vital for the success of your implants that you can spot the signs of an issue.
At Spa Dental, we know all there is to know about dental implants Ryde, and will guide you through the entire process, from the consultation, to the fitting and through the aftercare, with compassion and the high level of care that you deserve. Great!
So, what are the signs that there is an issue with your dental implants Ryde?
Discomfort around the implant site
Following the placement of dental implants Ryde, there is going to be some discomfort; this is normal and has been described by many as being similar to dental extraction.
But, excessive discomfort is not normal, and if you notice that there is a sensation that is not going away, whether it is a tingling sensation or a throbbing one, you should contact us to have an assessment performed.
Swelling of the gums
Swelling of the gums is going to be a normal part of having oral implants fitted.
But, in the days following the fitting, the swelling should decrease, not increase. If you notice that the area around the implants is swelling, becoming redder, or hurting, then you need to contact our team for an assessment, as you may have an infection forming. Or, while rare, you may have an allergy to the titanium implant.
Difficulty biting or chewing
OK, so, following the fitting of an implant, you should avoid chewing with it or using it to bite into food.
However, if once the prosthetics are fitted, you notice that it hurts or it is difficult to bite into food, then you will need to contact our team. After all, the idea behind implants is that they allow you to bite into things, so if they can’t do this, then something is amiss and needs to be explored by our team.
Loosening or shifting of the implant
Even straight after they are fitted, an implant shouldn’t move or wobble.
And, in the days following a fitting, you should avoid putting any pressure onto the implant with hard food, as this can cause the implant to become loose.
But, if your implant becomes loose or wobbles at any stage of the fusing process, you will need to contact our team for more guidance on what we can do to save it.
Drainage or discharge
As is the way with most surgery, you can expect there to be some drainage and discharge following the placement of an implant.
But, if this carries on for multiple days, or is accompanied by bleeding, discomfort, or a fever, then you will need to see our team as you probably have an infection.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.