Signs that there is an issue with your dental implants

When you are planning to have oral implants fitted, it is easy to get caught up in the understandable excitement of how they will look, how they will feel and of course, how they will boost your confidence.
After all, oral implants have helped thousands of people to regain their smiles and assuming that you are suitable for them, they can really be game changers in how you eat, how you talk and how you smile.
When you pop in to see our team at Spa Dental, we will be more than happy to discuss dental implants Ryde with you, allowing you to decide whether or not they would be a good procedure for you to undergo. Our team prides itself on being completely open with our patients, and we will always be on hand to answer any questions you have at any stage of the process.
But, once you have had them fitted, there are a few warning signs you will need to look out for that may signify an issue with your dental implants Ryde, and our team details them here. However, remember these incidents are few and far between.
They hurt
Right, so some minor discomfort after you have had dental implants Ryde fitted is to be expected, but it should fade in a few days.
If it doesn’t, or you notice that the unpleasant sensations are getting worse, then it may be time to book yourself in to see our team, as the chances are that you have a dental infection forming.
The gums are discoloured
Following any kind of dental surgery, you can expect the gums to swell and be discoloured for a short while. After all, they will be inflamed, and much like the discomfort, this should gradually fade with each passing day.
But if you notice that your gums are red, sore or even blue days after the surgery, you will need to call our team. Much as before, there may be an infection forming under the gums that could cause issues with the implants.
They are bleeding
Any surgery, even minor dental surgery, is going to cause bleeding, so this is not a cause for concern initially.
However, profuse bleeding around the implants is not normal and should be investigated. For instance, if you accidentally knock one of them when you are brushing your teeth, there may be some blood that should subside.
But if there are copious amounts of blood when you use them to chew food, this needs to be investigated by our team, as the implant may be loose or it may be infected.
There is pus
Pus following surgery is not what you want to see. But, even in your mouth, it can be hard to spot. Try to keep an eye out for unpleasant tastes and odours, and if you spot any yellow seepage or taste any, call us as soon as possible.
They are wobbling
Implants, even newly fitted ones, should not wobble! If your implants are wobbling, there is a lower chance of them fusing at the correct angle, which can lead to issues when the prosthetics are fitted. If you can see in the mirror that they are wobbling, or if you can feel it, please call us promptly.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.