Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants Ryde

Dental implants Ryde are a popular method of replacing missing teeth amongst dentists and patients alike. For many decades we have been replacing missing teeth with dental implants in Australia and here at Spa dental Ryde we highly recommended dental implants Ryde for tooth replacement in patients of all ages because it is a permanent method of replacing your missing teeth.
Dental implants Ryde are used to replace missing teeth by dental implant surgery. It can be used to replace one missing tooth or dental implants can be used to replace all of your missing teeth. We use the minimum number of implants to replace the maximum number of teeth. They are an excellent alternative to removable dental prosthetics providing strength, support and stability, potentially boosting your self-confidence and restoring the appearance and health of your mouth.
Dental implant surgery
Dental implant surgery is carried out in the specific location of the missing tooth therefore the rest of your teeth remain unaltered. It involves drilling a small hole into the bone socket of your missing tooth into which the implant is inserted and the gum is stitched to hold the implant in place. Dental implants Ryde are small, strong and non-corrosive titanium screws which are biocompatible. This means they are able to integrate with the human body. A process known as osseointegration in which osteoblasts form around the implant embedding it firmly into place helps dental implants become a permanent fixture in your mouth. The process takes between 3 and 6 months depending on your body’s ability to heal and then you are ready to replace your missing tooth with a crown or a set of dentures depending on your requirements and preferences.
Are dental implants suitable for you?
If you are thinking about undergoing dental implants in Ryde then book an appointment and let us carry out a thorough examination of your remaining teeth, your gums and the health of your jawbone. We will take x-rays and a three-dimensional scan of your mouth. We may also carry out a cone beam CT scan that will allow us to visualise your mouth more accurately and plan a successful surgery. We will make sure that you have no underlying conditions which may affect the success of the surgery or the health of the implant. Our dentist will make sure that you understand the process of dental implant surgery and the time that it will take from start to finish. We will help you make an informed choice keeping in mind that dental implants take time and often it can take one or more surgeries depending on the need for bone grafting or other considerations. If other procedures such as bone grafting are necessary then the time it takes for the healing process to be complete can also vary. The cost of the treatment will also vary from patient to patient; we will discuss this before beginning any dental work and you can talk to us about payment plans where necessary. Speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde to find out more about dental implants today.
All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.