Improving your smile with teeth whitening in Ryde


There are a wide range of treatments and procedures which focus on improving the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. Thanks to significant developments in the field of dentistry, cosmetic dental treatment is accessible and affordable for all. If you are thinking about improving the aesthetics of your smile then you need to speak to our dentist Ryde here at Spa Dental Ryde and find out about the treatments and procedures that are available for you. Although cosmetic dental treatment is a field of dentistry which you undergo out of choice, it also has restorative effects and can help you improve your overall dental health. If you choose to undergo a smile assessment with our cosmetic dentist Ryde, then we can help you identify the issues which are affecting the appearance of your teeth and help you choose which treatments will be most suitable for addressing your dental needs.

Teeth whitening in Ryde

One of the most commonly sought after cosmetic dental treatments is a teeth whitening procedure. Teeth can become yellow and stained over the years, especially if you are unable to maintain a good dental hygiene routine or if you avoid the dentist for a long period of time. Plaque and tartar on the surface of your teeth affect the appearance of your smile. If you visit the dentist regularly then you will also visit the hygienist who will remove excess plaque and tartar from your teeth in a scale and polish which will help restore the natural whiteness and brightness of the enamel of your teeth. Smoking and other lifestyle choices also affect the colour of your teeth and the appearance of your smile, as do certain foods and drinks and even some medical conditions or medication.

If you have stubborn stains which cannot be removed by brushing alone, then you need to speak to our dentist Ryde at the practice and find out about teeth whitening to help improve the appearance of your smile. You can undergo teeth whitening at our dental practice in a single appointment. You will first visit the dental hygienist to remove plaque, tartar and food debris from the surface of each tooth and between your teeth, to help restore the natural appearance of your smile. Then you are ready for the procedure during which your teeth will be whitened with a bleaching agent in specialised conditions under the careful supervision of our dentist, which will help you achieve a brighter, whiter smile.

You can also undergo teeth whitening in the comfort of your own home. Home treatment kits prescribed by our dentist are great for whitening your teeth gradually over a 2-week period. The home treatment kits are easy and convenient to use and you can maintain your new, white smile with top ups or a follow-up session at our dental practice. Speak to us today and find out which teeth whitening option would be most suitable for you. Let us help you achieve a smile that you are proud to show off to the world.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.