How our dentist helps nervous patients


When you have a dental phobia, even the idea of attending a check-up at your local surgery can be daunting.

It is more common than most people think! But this fear can cause some patients to avoid attending check-ups altogether, which can lead to more serious dental problems in the long run.

Fortunately, there are many ways that dental surgeries can help nervous patients feel more comfortable and relaxed during their visit.

When you come to see our team at Spa Dental, our dentist Ryde will always be happy to talk with you about any concerns that you have. We will take the necessary time to explain each procedure we are doing and will work with you to help you feel comfortable. Great!

So, how do we achieve this? Our dentist Ryde explains below how we cater for even the most nervous of dental patients.


One way that our dentist Ryde can help nervous patients is through communication and education. Many people are apprehensive about dental procedures because they don’t understand what’s happening or what to expect. By taking the time to explain the process and answer any questions, our team can help patients feel more at ease. Additionally, we can provide education on proper oral hygiene and preventive care, which can help reduce the need for more invasive dental treatments.


Some dental surgeries also offer amenities to help nervous patients feel more comfortable, which ours is also proud to offer. This may include things like comfortable seating, headphones to listen to music, or even massage chairs; the headphones can be a boon, especially if it is the sound of the dental drill which makes you uncomfortable. These amenities can help you to feel more relaxed and at ease, which can make the dental experience more pleasant overall.


One of the best ways to help nervous patients is through sedation dentistry, but we usually only offer it as a last resort for patients who are extremely worried. Sedation dentistry uses medication to help patients feel more relaxed and comfortable during their dental procedure. There are a variety of sedation options available, including nitrous oxide, which is also known as ‘laughing gas’, oral sedation, and IV sedation. These options vary in their level of sedation and the method of delivery, so it’s essential to discuss the different options with us to determine which one is right for you.

If you opt for IV sedation, we will need to take a medical history, and when you come into the surgery for the treatment, you will need to have a friend or family member escort you home afterwards.

A dental team that cares

Finally, it’s crucial to choose a dental team who are experienced in working with nervous patients. Our team treats anxious patients, and aims to be more calm and understanding and can provide a more personalised and gentle approach to dental care. We also have a variety of techniques and tools at our disposal to help nervous patients feel more comfortable, such as specially designed dental instruments or procedures that minimise pain and discomfort. So, if you or a member of your family needs a check-up, but is less than enthusiastic, call our team today!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.