How dental implants can be used differently to replace your missing teeth

If you have tooth loss as a result of dental health issues, undergoing a tooth extraction or due to an accident or emergency you will be pleased to know that all of your teeth can be replaced. There are different types of dental prosthetics. You can have removable prosthetics or you can have fixed prosthetics using dental implants Ryde.
Dentures without implants
Removable dentures are quick and convenient and less expensive than other tooth replacement options. Unfortunately the disadvantage of removable dentures is that the jaw bone begins to shrink and this can cause a range of issues. Firstly your dentures may not fit you properly, which means you will need to have them realigned on a regular basis. Secondly it affects the appearance of your face and makes you look a lot older than you are when they are removed. These issues can cause inconvenience, social embarrassment and affect your mental wellbeing. If you are concerned that your dentures are loose and they do not feel secure then you need to speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde and find out about dental implants Ryde. It may be that two dental implants Ryde are sufficient for retaining a row of dentures properly. They provide a firm grip so you do not need any denture glue or similar to hold the dentures in place.
Dental implants
If you are concerned that every time you eat or bite, your gums are sore or you are affected by recession and shrinkage of the bone and gum then you may wish to look into a fixed prosthesis. This means having 4 or 6 dental implants to hold the implant in place. The number of implants you need varies from patient to patient. It also depends on which teeth need replacing. The bone of the upper jaw is softer so more implants are necessary to secure a prosthesis. A minimum of 4 implants is recommended for a full upper denture. The lower jawbone is more dense, therefore sometimes fewer implants are necessary.
Bone density is another key factor in determining how many implants you need to replace your missing teeth. If you have good quality jawbone then the dentist can replace your teeth with fewer longer implants, however, if the bone density is low then you may need a greater number of shorter implants. A bone graft can help strengthen your jaw and promote the success of the implant surgery.
Finally the number of implants also depends on whether you would like a fixed prosthetic or removable one. For fixed prosthetics you require more implants than removable implant retained dentures.
To help us put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you, you need to book a consultation with our dentist at Spa Dental Ryde. You will undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that your teeth are free of cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. If you have no natural teeth then we will assess your gums and jawbone and make sure again there are no signs of disease or decay. If necessary you will undergo a gum graft and a bone graft and you will be ready for replacing your missing teeth. An individually tailored treatment plan will be put together for you and within 6 to 12 months you will have a possibly permanent solution for your missing teeth.
Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.