FAQs about Invisalign answered by our team

Many people who have been looking for a way to straighten their teeth in their adult years have heard about invisible aligners and clear braces.
After all, these options provide a simple and discreet way to straighten teeth, without the need for a fitted metal device. As a result, these aligners and clear braces have become more of the standard treatment than the exception, with fitted orthodontic tools only being used on patients who have complex cases of misalignment.
At Spa Dental Ryde, we are always happy to meet with patients who want to get their teeth straightened during adulthood, and will be eager to discuss the possibility of any adult or teenage patients using Invisalign Ryde. This is an invisible aligner that we have extensive knowledge and experience with, while also being the option that is the most visually discreet.
Of course, if you are like most dental patients who want to straighten their teeth, you are likely to have a few questions relating to Invisalign Ryde, and in this article, our team answers 5 of the most common ones that we receive.
Are invisible aligners expensive?
They are not as expensive as many people think and our dentist will always be happy to determine how much your Invisalign Ryde treatment will cost. In most cases, this invisible aligner is more affordable than a fitted orthodontic brace, so it is well worth asking about.
Can anyone wear them?
It can come as a surprise to many people that 97% of those who have a dental misalignment are suitable for invisible aligners. They are better suited for those who have mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, and who are aged 15 years or older. At the current time, there is no invisible aligner suitable for use with children.
How long does the treatment usually take?
On average, realignment with invisible aligners takes between 3 to 6 months. Of course, this will vary based on the complexity of the misalignment being treated, and whether or not you adhere to the average daily wear of your aligners, which is 22 hours.
Can they correct overbites?
Yes, invisible aligners can correct overbites, but this will depend on the severity of the overbite and other complications in the mouth. For instance, if you have a mild overbite and the rest of your teeth are straight, you will probably be suitable for treatment with an invisible aligner. But, if you have a mild overbite and your molar teeth are misaligned, then it is more likely that our team will choose a fitted clear brace for you.
What do I need to do if I lose an aligner?
If you lose an aligner during treatment, or one becomes damaged, then you will need to contact our team to have a replacement created. This is one of the reasons why you should keep all of your aligners until the treatment is completed, as it will then be possible to wear the previous aligner until the new one arrives. You should not skip ahead with your aligner treatment at any stage, as each aligner represents a slight movement in the teeth and skipping over it can create more issues in the long term.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.