Enjoy healthy teeth and gums and a beautiful smile with our dentist


A healthy mouth is important for overall wellbeing and by visiting our dentist on a regular basis you can make sure that your teeth are clean and strong, free of tooth decay and your gums are free of disease. If you avoid our dentist Ryde for long periods of time then plaque and tartar build up on the surface of the teeth and can have a detrimental impact on your dental health. Plaque and tartar are the main causes of the majority of dental issues. Not only do they affect the health of your teeth, but they can also have an effect on the appearance of your teeth. If plaque and tartar build up on your teeth then the enamel loses its whiteness and shine, and your teeth may become stained and yellow. Plaque and tartar are also the main causes of cavities and tooth decay. When bacteria gets under the gum it also results in gum disease, eventually it also causes periodontal disease.

We recommend that you visit our dentist Ryde at least once every 6 months to make sure that your teeth are healthy. We have a range of restorative dental treatments available to address dental issues, including signs of decay and disease, so that you can enjoy optimal oral health, beautiful white teeth and fresh breath. If you notice any signs or symptoms of decay or gum disease then it is important that you book an appointment with our dental practice as soon as possible. Symptoms such as bleeding gums, sensitivity and bad breath need to be addressed sooner rather than later to avoid irreversible damage. These symptoms are signs of tooth decay and gum disease and may cause significant tooth acheĀ  which can be very painful and most traumatic in some cases. By addressing such symptoms early we can prevent further complications in the future.

Teeth straightening for better dental health

If you visit our dentist Ryde on a regular basis and you have healthy teeth and gums, then you can speak to us at the practice and find out about improving your dental health further. Cosmetic dental treatments such as straightening your teeth can have a significant positive impact on your dental health. It can also transform the appearance of your smile and help to boost your self-esteem. You may have undergone teeth straightening when you were younger, but cosmetic teeth straightening can help improve your smile even further.

Speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde to find out about Invisalign for straightening your teeth with total discretion. Invisalign is one of the most popular teeth straightening methods across the world and millions of adults have been correcting the misalignment issues of their teeth with this clear aligner system.

Speak to our dentist today and find out if Invisalign is a suitable teeth straightening procedure for you. Learn how you can look after your teeth and improve your dental health, as well as the appearance of your smile, with the help of our fantastic team here. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.