Dental implants to replace dentures with our dentist Ryde


Tooth loss is a stressful situation at any age in life but thanks to dental technology, if you speak to our dentist Ryde, you will find that there are different solutions for replacing missing teeth to suit your requirements and your personal preferences. One of the most common methods of replacing missing teeth is using dentures. Dentures are artificial teeth which are placed on an acrylic plate inside your mouth which cover your gums and bone. There are different types of dentures to replace missing teeth. If you have one or a few missing teeth, you will need a partial denture which means only a few of your teeth will be replaced. If all of your teeth on one arch are missing or you need to undergo an extraction then you will need a complete set of dentures. Most elderly patients with tooth loss have complete dentures and they are an easy way of helping to address tooth loss.

Dental Implants

The modern generation however has greater demands and requirements. Speak to our dentist Ryde and find out about dental implants for replacing your missing teeth. A dental implant is a screw-like object made of titanium, a biocompatible metal which is non-allergenic, non-corrosive and safe for your mouth. There are various types of dental implants. You can have a single implant to replace a missing tooth or you may need multiple implants depending on where your missing teeth are located. Our dentist Ryde is also able to offer you implant systems such as all-on-4 or all-on 6 which means that a certain number of implants, 4 or 6, are placed into the arch to support a full arch of implant retained dentures.

Difference between dentures and implant retained dentures

The difference between traditional dentures and implant retained dentures is that traditional dentures are removable they can be taken out of your mouth and necessary and placed back in as required whereas implant retained dentures are fixed in the mouth. Implant retained dentures require surgery which some people may be sceptical about. Thanks to significant research and development in dental implant surgery, dental implants have an excellent success rate greater than 96%, and the implant lasts for the rest of your life. You need to speak to our dentist Ryde and undergo an examination of your teeth and gums as well as discussing your general health and wellbeing to find out if dental implants could be the solution to your missing teeth.

Advantages of dental implants

Although dentures have helped replace missing teeth for many decades, implant retained dentures have significant advantages. Firstly dental implants are inserted directly into your jaw bone and become a permanent fixture of your jaw. This helps strengthen the bone whereas traditional dentures cause bone loss. Many senior patients have a sunken appearance of their cheeks and this is as a result of bone loss over the years.  Another significant advantage is that implant retained dentures are fixed into your mouth and therefore unlike traditional dentures there is no risk of them slipping or falling out of your mouth or you losing your dentures because you have misplaced them.

Speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde today and find out more about dental implants and implant retained dentures and how you can manage your tooth loss more effectively and comfortably with implant retained dentures with our dentist in Ryde.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.