Dental implants Ryde: getting your smile back!


People can have missing teeth for a variety of reasons: illness, poor oral hygiene, medications, and accidents, to name but a few. However, there is arguably a very convenient way that you can get your teeth replaced and allow them to function like your natural ones. At Spa Dental Ryde, we offer dental implants Ryde as a way to fix replacement teeth to your jawbone, so that you can continue with your lifestyle as normal. The great thing about dental implants is that other people shouldn’t realise that you don’t have all of your own natural teeth, so you can keep smiling, talking and eating with ease.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants are screws that are attached to the jawbone, so that replacement teeth can be securely fixed to them and won’t budge – just like healthy natural teeth! The screws become firmly fixed because the gums heal around them and while you are waiting for this to happen, we will provide you with temporary replacement teeth. Replacement teeth can be either crowns, bridges or dentures. Which replacement teeth you have will depend on how many you need replacing. For single tooth replacements, we tend to use crowns; bridges for several teeth, and dentures for whole set replacements.

The beauty of dental implants

Of course, the great bonus of choosing dental implants is the fact that the teeth are fixed in place, so that you won’t have to worry about altering your diet in any way to avoid certain foods, and you can continue to simply brush and floss to take care of them as you would with your natural teeth. Dental implants Ryde will look aesthetically beautiful too, but these aren’t the only reasons to get excited about this treatment. If you are filling in the gaps in your smile, then you are protecting any remaining natural teeth that you have from being over-exposed to bacteria. This should prevent them from developing cavities, as long as you clean your teeth properly and come and see us for your routine check-ups.

Another benefit of dental implants Ryde is the fact that some people can develop a drawn appearance in their face when they have missing teeth, because the face has lost its structure. This can be ageing for the skin. However, by having dental implants, this gives your face the structure it needs to look improved and possibly younger again! What’s not to love about that?! If you have also experienced speech difficulties, or issues with chewing, these should be rectified by filling the gaps in your smile.

Getting your smile sorted

If you are starting to feel like now might be the time to rectify your missing teeth, why not book in for a consultation with us at our practice? We have a friendly and professional team who are ready to meet you for an initial consultation, where we can examine your mouth and determine what your treatment options are. If dental implants are considered appropriate for you, then you could get your smile back in just a couple of treatments.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.