Dental implants Ryde for permanent tooth replacement

Tooth loss can have a significant impact on all aspects of your life and by addressing your missing teeth sooner rather than later you can reduce these implications. If tooth loss is left unaddressed it will affect the health of your remaining teeth and overtime it will affect the alignment of your teeth also. Misalignment of the teeth not only affects the appearance of your smile but it means that your teeth are more prone to damage, decay and disease. By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants Ryde you can prevent damage to your teeth, tooth decay and gum disease and enjoy a happy and healthy smile.
Dental implants Ryde may not be suitable for everyone. You need to book an appointment here at Spa dental Ryde so that we can carry out a thorough examination of your teeth, gums and jaw bone to help us decide whether to replace your missing teeth with dental implants or whether you would benefit from an alternative such as a bridge or a set of dentures.
Are dental implants suitable for you?
There are a few factors which need to be taken into consideration to make sure that dental implants Ryde is suitable for you. First is your health and well being. If you are fit and healthy then dental implants are a great option for replacing your missing teeth. There is a lengthy healing process for dental implants Ryde so if you suffer from diabetes, persistent gum disease, cancer or other illnesses that affect your body’s ability to heal then we will suggest alternative tooth replacement therapy for you. Heavy smokers and those suffering from alcoholism are not good candidates for dental implants either and again we will talk about other options with you.
It is also important that you have a good dental hygiene routine and visit the dentist on a regular basis as this will help promote the life of your implant and your dental health in general. Finally it is important that you have sufficient healthy bone in your jaw for the implant to be embedded in. We will carry out X-rays, intra-oral scans and CT scans where necessary to assess the quantity and quality of the bone and also put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. Some patients may require restorative dental treatment before undergoing dental implant surgery, others may need braces to adjust the alignment of the teeth and for those who have inadequate healthy jawbone you may need bone grafting before the surgery. This will all be put together in your treatment plan and we will be able to give you an accurate prediction of how long the full procedure will take.
Once you are ready to undergo dental implant surgery the implant is placed directly into the bone socket of your missing tooth after which it is left to heal by a process known as osseointegration. This takes between 3 and 6 months and then you are ready to replace your missing tooth with a crown, or a set of dentures if you are replacing multiple teeth. Speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde today to find out more about dental implants and the advantages it can have for your dental health.
All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.