Dental implants and tooth loss in adults

Regardless of your age, tooth loss as an adult can have significant repercussions on many aspects of your life. It can cause you distress, it can affect your mental wellbeing and in some cases it can even cause social anxiety. You may become reluctant to smile and this can have a negative impact on you and those around you. Tooth loss also has a detrimental impact on your remaining healthy teeth. When you lose a tooth the other teeth begin to slowly shift to fill the gap left by the missing tooth. This can cause misalignment issues of your teeth and it can cause bite disorders. If your teeth become misaligned then this can cause a range of dental health issues. Tooth loss also causes bone decay, this can risk the health of your remaining teeth, affect your facial features and cause wrinkles around your mouth, and be responsible for a range of other concerns.
Dental implants at our practice
It is important that you speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde and find out about replacing your missing teeth sooner rather than later to prevent complications and further tooth loss in the future. Here at our practice we use dental implants Ryde for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants Ryde are the most popular choice for replacing missing teeth, because they provide a long-term, secure and stable solution for tooth loss. The dental implants Ryde help strengthen your jaw and increase the longevity of adjacent teeth. Oral implants are designed to look and feel like your natural dentition and they can restore the appearance and the function of your mouth. Speak to us today and find out if dental implants are suitable for you.
Most people are eligible for oral implants. Even if you have been affected by tooth decay or gum disease you can undergo restorative dental treatment, a bone graft and a gum graft to restore your dental health and replace your missing teeth. Unfortunately patients who are affected by systemic disorders that affect the body’s healing ability, may not be suitable for dental implants. For example if you suffer from diabetes, clotting disorders or cancer then dental implants may not be suitable for you.
Alternatives to dental implants
Do not despair, there are alternatives for replacing your missing teeth. Our dentist will be able to advise on which is the best option for you. Some people choose to do nothing about their missing tooth. Unfortunately as mentioned before, this has repercussions and may result in further tooth loss. You can be offered a partial denture or a full set of dentures if you need to replace all of your teeth. Also if you have healthy adjacent teeth then we can talk about replacing your missing tooth with a dental bridge. Dentures and bridges are good methods of replacing your missing teeth, however dental implants are significantly advantageous and can help you replace your missing teeth for 10 to 15 years if not longer. Speak to us at Spa Dental Ryde today and find out more about replacing your missing teeth without delay to restore the appearance, function and the health of your mouth.
Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.