A quick guide to dental emergencies from our team


Fewer things in life are as likely to make someone shudder as the idea of having a toothache at 2 am. Why? Because it usually means that a trip to see a dental team is imminent!

If you have a dental emergency, our emergency dentist Ryde will aim to fit you in for an appointment within 24 hours of you calling our surgery. That way, you won’t be in discomfort for a prolonged period, and any toothache will soon become a thing of the past!

Still, how do you identify a dental emergency? Here is a quick guide to what a dental emergency is and how our dentist Ryde will likely treat each issue.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a problem with the teeth, gums, or other parts of the mouth that requires immediate attention from our dentist Ryde. Dental emergencies can range from mild to severe and may occur at any time of the day or night. Understanding what constitutes a dental emergency and how to respond to one is important for maintaining good oral health and can also save you a lot of toothaches!

The most common dental-based emergencies include toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, knocked-out teeth, and bleeding from the mouth. In some cases, dental emergencies may also include infections, abscesses, or injuries to the gums or soft tissue of the mouth. Any of these things can cause significant pain or discomfort and may require prompt treatment to prevent further damage or complications.

Dental discomfort

Toothaches are a common dental emergency that can be caused by a variety of factors. In our experience, they are typically due to cavities, gum disease, or an abscessed tooth. The pain associated with a toothache can be severe and may require immediate attention to alleviate discomfort and prevent further damage to the tooth. In some cases, a toothache may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as swelling or fever, which may indicate an infection that requires immediate treatment.

Damage to the tooth

Broken or chipped teeth are another common dental emergency that can occur due to trauma or injury to the mouth. In some cases, a broken or chipped tooth may cause pain or discomfort, but in other cases, the damage may be purely cosmetic. Regardless of the severity of the damage to your tooth or teeth, it is important to seek prompt treatment from our emergency team to prevent further damage or infection to the affected tooth.

Missing tooth or teeth

Knocked-out teeth are a more severe dental emergency that requires immediate attention to preserve the tooth and prevent further damage to the surrounding teeth and gums. If you have a tooth that is knocked out, it is important to rinse it gently with water and reinsert it into the socket if possible. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, it should be placed in milk or saliva and brought to our team as soon as possible.

Dental bleeds

Bleeding from the mouth can also be a dental emergency, particularly if it is accompanied by pain or swelling. Bleeding can be caused by aggressive gum disease, injury to the gums, or an abscessed tooth. In some cases, bleeding from the mouth may be a sign of an issue such as oral cancer or a blood disorder, so it is important to seek prompt treatment to determine the underlying cause of the bleeding.

Remember, if you are in extreme discomfort, please go to our emergency dentist. Don’t suffer in silence!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.