What are the signs of gum disease? A guide from our dentist


Most people have seen adverts about gum disease, and believe that bleeding gums provide the main sign of this issue. It is true that bleeding gums display one of the first signs of gum disease, but there are a few more symptoms that you might have which may be overlooked.

When you come to Spa Dental, our dentist Ryde will always perform a screening for gum disease at your biannual check-up. If we spot the tell-tale signs, we will perform a scale and polish, and potentially provide you with an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce the bacteria responsible, based on the severity of the problem.

So, what are some of the other signs of gum disease to look out for? Here, our dentist Ryde provides a simple guide.

Bleeding gums

Most people think they have gum disease when they brush their teeth and spit out blood. And according to our dentist Ryde, this can be a sign of gum disease, but it can also point to aggressive brushing. If the sole symptom you have of gum disease is bleeding when brushing or flossing, contact our team, so we can assess if it is linked to the way you brush your teeth.


Sore gums when you are eating, or just in general, is a sign of gum disease, especially if they are accompanied by one or multiple symptoms listed in this article.

But sore gums are not a definitive sign of gum disease, and can in fact be due to brushing too hard. So, feel free to contact our team if you have concerns about sore teeth.

Receding gum line

Receding gums become more of a prominent issue for many people as they get older. And while it can be a sign of gum disease, if you notice that your gum line is receding around one of your teeth, then it is more likely to be due to an incorrect brushing technique. More specifically, you are brushing too hard! Luckily, our team will be able to spot the difference and can either treat the gum disease or advise on the correct way to brush your teeth.


There is something of a theme in this article! And that is it can be hard to diagnose gum disease by yourself, as many of the symptoms can point to other things. While unusual, discolouration of the gums, particularly reddening, is a sign of gum disease, but can also be due to excessive force when brushing. It can also be a symptom of an oral abscess, but this kind of discolouration will only be around 1 or 2 teeth, rather than spread across the entire mouth.

Wobbly teeth

If your teeth are wobbling and you have gum disease, at this stage, it is quite far along and you will need to see our team as soon as possible.

The reason why your teeth begin to wobble and will eventually fall out with gum disease is due to the bacteria causing the gums to recede. This bacteria also attacks the tendons that hold your teeth in place, meaning that eventually they will become loose and fall out.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned in this article or have concerns about gum disease, please contact our team today.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.