Dental implants Ryde and why patients choose them


When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there are a variety of treatment options that are widely known, particularly dentures. While each of these treatment options have their own merits, there is a further treatment that can enhance the experience of having replacement teeth for patients. Dental implants Ryde offer a solution to having your teeth restored with replacements that won’t move once fitted, and won’t need to be taken out at night. At Spa Dental Ryde, we have a team of professional and friendly staff, who are keen to make your smile look and function at its optimum.

Dental implants: here’s how it works

Dental implants Ryde are screws that are fixed to your jawbone, where you need to replace your teeth. The screws fuse with the gums as they heal around them. Once they are fixed in place, they shouldn’t move at all and it is to these screws that replacement teeth of crowns, dentures or bridges may be fitted, depending on how many teeth you are having reinstated. Once these replacement teeth are attached to the dental implants, they do not need to be removed for cleaning, for example. This means that your dental implants Ryde are designed to give you the closest solution to having natural teeth again.

Why would dental implants be like having my natural teeth?

We should be clear that there is nothing better than having your natural teeth, but we realise that for many reasons, that isn’t going to be possible for everyone. Therefore, at the practice we want you to have a replacement option that is almost as good! The first reason we think dental implants deliver is the fact that due to them being fixed in place, you won’t need to alter your diet in any way. You should be able to continue eating normally and you won’t have to avoid hard or chewy foods, for example. What’s more, you can then take care of your dental implants in the same way as you would your natural teeth. All you need to do is brush and floss regularly, and come to see us for your routine check-ups. If you are able to do this, then your dental implants should go the distance – this could even be a lifetime!

Another clear benefit of dental implants is the aesthetic improvement they will bring for your smile, but what you may be surprised to learn is that your implants could also make you look younger. No, there isn’t a magical elixir hidden inside the screws, it’s just because by filling the gaps in your smile, your face will regain the structure it needs. Sometimes, without teeth, the face can become shrunken and this makes people look older. It’s a great side effect of having implants! Another health benefit of dental implants is the fact that filling in the gaps in your smile protects any remaining natural teeth that you have from being overexposed to bacteria and developing cavities more easily. We don’t want that and neither do you!

Come and see us!

If you are keen to find out more about dental implants and to see if they would be a suitable treatment option for you, book in for an initial consultation so we can examine you and advise you on all the treatment options available. If dental implants are offered, you won’t be the first patient going for them!

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.