Spa Dental Ryde: your dentist Ryde is a Diamond provider of Invisalign


If you are looking for a dentist Ryde who can help to realign your teeth, then you may be amazed to learn that Spa Dental Ryde is an accredited Diamond Invisalign Provider. Invisalign is a treatment used for mild to moderate alignment issues, such as crossbites, overbites and underbites, as well as gapped or crowded teeth. It is important to address alignment issues, as these may affect your ability to clean your teeth adequately or they could give you jaw pain or problems with chewing your food properly. At Spa Dental Ryde, we have treated almost 2000 patients with Invisalign, so we have the experience and knowledge to do the job the way you deserve – that’s something to smile about!

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign consists of aligners that are made of plastic and are worn over the teeth. They apply a force to the teeth to move them into the required position. You would need to change your aligner for a new one on a regular basis and we would provide you with sets to last you for 6 weeks, before you would need to come and see us for a check-up and to receive more of the aligners to take home with you.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment can take 6 to 18 months, on average. It will depend on the extent of your misalignment, but we will be able to project this once we have scanned your mouth digitally using the iTero scan. From this, we will be able to give a breakdown of how your teeth should look on a weekly basis and we would be able to show you a 3D animation of how your teeth will look after the treatment has been completed.


The beauty of Invisalign is the fact that the aligners should be barely visible when they are being worn. This means that if you are worried about others seeing you wearing an appliance, you shouldn’t need to worry with Invisalign. What’s more, the aligners may be removed for up to 2 hours a day, so you can eat what you want, without worrying about damaging them. You will also be able to take them out for cleaning your teeth and you may also take them out when you want to do something special like play sports, for example. The flexibility is a great plus point to Invisalign.

Health benefits

Aside from aesthetically improving your smile, there are other reasons to get excited about choosing Invisalign. Firstly, when teeth are misaligned, it can cause issues with brushing them properly. By aligning them, you will have the optimum position for your teeth to be cleaned. You may also have developed issues with your speech, chewing, or jaw as a result of having misaligned teeth. Hopefully, these issues can be addressed by realigning your teeth and your dentist Ryde will be able to advise you about this.

Time to visit!

So, if you are ready to find out how to realign your smile, why not come and talk to our dentist Ryde here at Spa Dental Ryde and let us make your smile look as good as a Diamond provider can achieve?

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.