Transform your smile


There are many different factors which can affect the appearance of your smile. Whether you are suffering from wonky or crooked teeth, missing teeth, decay or disease, our dentist Ryde can help address your dental issues and improve the health and aesthetics of your smile. Each smile is unique and therefore it is important to speak to our dentist Ryde who will be able to put together an individually tailored treatment plan to address your dental requirements and your personal preferences.

We will carry out a smile assessment and an examination of your teeth and gums to identify the issues which are affecting your dental health and the condition of your smile.

We have a range of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments available to help address your dental wellbeing. Our dentist Ryde will address any signs of decay or disease and ensure that it is safe to carry out further dental treatment to enhance your smile. It is important that your teeth and gums are healthy before you undergo cosmetic dental treatment and our dentist Ryde will make sure that all problems are addressed beforehand.

Once you are ready to undergo cosmetic dental treatment to improve the impact of your smile, you will find that here at Spa Dental Ryde we have plenty of options available for you. If you are looking for an affordable yet highly efficient method of improving the appearance of your teeth, you may wish to speak to our dentist and find out about composite bonding.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding is the process of using composite to cover the front surface of your teeth to disguise the effects of teeth staining which cannot be removed using teeth whitening procedures. It can also be used to repair the irreversible effects of decay and disease or chips and cracks which may have occurred as a result of an injury to the mouth. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic dental treatment procedure for those who are looking to transform the appearance of their smile. Composite is made from powdered glass and other ceramic particles added to a resin base, designed to match the colour of your natural teeth. This is applied in layers over the surface of your teeth and hardened using UV light. This can be carried out in one appointment. Once set, composite bonding helps transform the appearance of your smile, but it also has restorative dental qualities helping to provide protection against tooth decay. With good oral hygiene and regular visits to our dentist, composite bonding can last from 5 to 10 years after which you may be able to undergo the procedure again.

Speak to us today to find out more about composite bonding and other cosmetic dental treatment procedures which can help improve the appearance of your smile, but also improve your dental health at the same time. We have a range of different treatments available to suit your individual needs and we will put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. Visit our website or call us to find out more.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.