FAQs about dental hygiene answered by our dentist


When it comes to basic dental hygiene, most people know the drill. You have to brush your teeth twice a day, floss and also use mouthwash and a tongue scraper, if you have halitosis, to remove bacteria.

While it isn’t as fun as cosmetic procedures such as implants or whitening, dental hygiene is more important than these areas and can save you a fortune in the long run.

When you come to see our dentist Ryde about dental hygiene, our team at Spa Dental will be more than happy to answer any queries that you have and will work with you to devise a targeted plan based on your individual hygiene needs. That way, you can continue to have the best-looking smile around for as long as possible with minimal fuss.

With that in mind, you may have some questions about basic dental hygiene, and in this article, our dentist Ryde answers common queries about this area.

Why is flossing important?

When you brush your teeth with a toothbrush, you are only cleaning around 60% of them, which is the surface that you can see and reach with your brush, so flossing is an essential part of any dental hygiene routine. According to our dentist Ryde, you can floss your teeth before or after you brush them, but if you have a history of gum disease or want to keep your mouth in tip-top condition, you should aim to floss your teeth every time you brush them. In some instances, it may even be worth flossing your teeth in the middle of the day if you have a high-carbohydrate diet, to keep decay at bay.

Is a manual toothbrush as good as an electric one?

A manual toothbrush is not going to be as good as an electric one. This is simply because it is easier to apply too much pressure to the gums and the teeth with a manual toothbrush, which may cause enamel erosion that can lead to dental sensitivity and sore gums. Studies have found that when comparing the efficiency of a manual and electric toothbrush at removing plaque, the electric toothbrush wins every time, so it’s well worth investing some money into this dental tool.

What can I do about discoloured teeth?

It is a common problem that many people have; they brush their teeth, they floss, and they don’t drink anything that is high in tannins, yet their teeth are still discoloured. Why does this happen? In some instances, it is simply due to genetics and if you are fed up with having discoloured teeth that look like you are not looking after them, pop in to see our team about dental whitening treatments.

Why is my gum bleeding when I floss?

Because you are not flossing correctly, or your gums are inflamed! Most people, when they begin flossing their teeth, can cause the gums to bleed, and it is well worth asking our team about the correct flossing method to prevent this from happening.

I have a family history of gum disease so should I get regular scales and polishes?

Yes, if there is a family history of gum disease, it is important to try to keep it as well controlled as possible. And doing so with a scale and polish with our hygienist twice a year is the best way to do this.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.