What is a dental emergency? Signs to look out for from our dentist


When most people think of a dental emergency, they may think of dental pain, swelling to their face, and even long, uncomfortable nights waiting eagerly for the nearest dental surgery to open!

And while it is true that the majority of dental emergencies do revolve around discomfort, there are many more instances that may require emergency care that are not so noticeable.

When you come to join our team at Spa Dental Ryde, we will always aim to provide you with access to our emergency dentist Ryde, and should you have a dental emergency, we will aim to see you within 24 hours of you contacting our surgery.

So, what are the signs that you may need to see our emergency dentist Ryde?


Swelling to the face is a universal indicator that there is an issue with one of your teeth.

And if you notice that your cheek, jaw, or any part of your mouth feels or looks swollen, even when there is no discomfort, you will need to see our dentist Ryde as soon as possible to have it assessed. In our experience, swelling to this level signifies either an abscess or an erupting, impacted wisdom tooth.


A big sign that there is a problem is discomfort.

This can feel like a stinging, throbbing, burning or unrelenting ache and can signify an infection forming, an erupting tooth, a lost or loose filling, or it may be due to over-enthusiastic brushing.

However, if the toothache is driving you to distraction, and is causing you to lose sleep, then you need to come in and see our team as soon as possible.


Blood coming out of your mouth is to be expected following dental procedures like extractions or if you have been in an accident.

Of course, an excessive amount of blood is not normal, and if you are applying pressure to the site of the bleed with gauze and it is not slowing, after 20 minutes, you need to call our team so we can stem the bleeding and prevent any further blood loss.


Wobbling teeth can occur for a range of reasons.

The main one is due to gum disease, which could be in the advanced stage. We may need to remove any wobbling teeth due to this and will aim to treat the underlying gum disease. Despite what you may think, it is not common or normal to lose teeth as you get older without an underlying medical issue.

Next, if you have been in an accident or there has been blunt force trauma to your face, you may also experience a loose tooth. In this instance, we will aim to splint the wobbly tooth to the nearest stable tooth.

Missing restoratives

To be fair, lost restoratives like fillings and crowns are exceedingly common and are usually due to the tooth that they are fitted to becoming decayed or damaged by trauma.

However, if you notice that your crown is loose or the tooth that your filling is attached to hurts when you put pressure on it, it is well worth visiting our team so we can assess the issue, as missing and loose restoratives need to be put back in before decay can set in.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.