Visiting the dentist to avoid cavities and tooth decay


Cavities and tooth decay can cause irreversible damage to your teeth and if left untreated eventually they can result in tooth loss. It is important that you visit our dentist Ryde on a regular basis so that you can avoid such complications and enjoy healthy teeth and gums.

As well as visiting our dentist Ryde you need to make sure that you maintain a good dental hygiene routine. Read on to find out more about keeping your teeth clean and healthy and how you can enjoy good dental health.

Brushing and flossing

To prevent the development of cavities and tooth decay you need to make sure you have a good dental hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing properly will help keep your teeth clean and your gums strong. Flossing is very important because one of the most common places that cavities can form is between your teeth. You may wish to find out about proxy brushes or water flossing by speaking to our dentist to see if this could be beneficial for you. Flossing helps remove debris from your teeth and will help lower your risk of cavities.

Drinking water

Another important tip for good dental health and avoiding cavities and tooth decay is drinking plenty of water and rinsing your mouth after meal times. Drinking water is key to your overall health and wellbeing and it is also important for dental health. It is crucial to drink water throughout the day and avoid sugary or fizzy drinks. If you have a snack in the middle of the day then it is a good idea to rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove any food particles that may become stuck between your teeth. Avoiding snacking in between meals is even better. Reducing sugar and carbohydrates in your diet can promote better dental health. This is because sugars and carbohydrates work with bacteria in your mouth and result in the formation of acids which attack the enamel and cause cavities and tooth decay.

Fillings and root canal treatment

By visiting your dentist Ryde on a regular basis with your family, especially young children, any signs of cavities or tooth decay can be detected early on. If you have regular dental X-rays then this also gives your dentist the chance to identify such issues sooner rather than later. This means that our dentist can put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. If you are affected by cavities then you may require fillings to restore your teeth. There are different types of fillings; for cosmetic purposes white fillings are the most popular choice. If the damage has reached the centre of your tooth then you may require a root canal treatment where the decay will be taken out of your tooth and a filling can be used to close the hole. For those with significant damage you may require a crown to restore the tooth completely.

Speak to our dentist at Spa Dental Ryde today and find out more about looking after your teeth to avoid cavities and tooth decay and how we can help restore your teeth if you have been affected by such issues.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.